Our Many Storied Lives

By Chris Fillingham

A sermon on Amos 1:1-2; 5:4-7, 21-24; 7:12-13

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A reflection on this week's sermon. 

What is the deepest story you are living out right now?  The gospel is essentially a story of Jesus embodying the kingdom of God; it was God’s new story used to describe the ultimate reality, God’s way of saying “hey, disregard all the other stories, this is the one you need to use in order to understand how things really are.”  Spiritual formation is essential because at its core people who live out of a different story become that story.  James K. A. Smith, a philosopher and theologian, states that the stories of our lives are habitually formed by what we choose to feast our eyes and ears upon, as well as forming to our character. We must choose to submit to different rhythms and routines in order to re-habituate our habits and desires to different goals.  What “rhythms and routines” are you doing in your life to encourage your spiritual formation and help shape your narrative?  What story are you using as your primary lens to interpret our world?  What stories do you need to set aside because they are clutter, preventing Jesus’s story to live out through you?